Initially, it was thought that a portable burner caused the flames on the day of the accident. The firefighters did not confirm this hypothesis, but it wasn’t ruled out either. Another report estimated $1 million in property damage.
Recycling in Obscurity on the Streets of Miami
Invisible but essential to the global recycling industry, the cardboard collectors of Miami-Dade earn a living by breaking down each piece of cardboard by hand, with no guaranteed income or labor protections.
While Venezuela’s Former Treasurer Was in Jail, His Ex-wife Bought Property in Florida
The compound of eight housing units located in Wellington, Palm Beach, is worth over $3 million, Itempnews found. Still another home was sold in October 2019 for $1.1 million, according to county property records. Former Venezuelan National Treasurer admitted that he received over US$1 billion in bribes.
U.S. Prosecutors on Trail of $700 Million in Bribes to Venezuela’s Former Treasurer
Justice Department records obtained by Itempnews show a broad look at the $300 million-plus haul that Hugo Chavez's former bodyguard began turning over the same day U.S. prosecutors charged him with $1 billion in money laundering.
The flea market was in keeping with Miami-Dade Fire Department inspections
Public records for the past four years show that inspectors certified the place. The 911 report on the July 7th fire reveals the first moments of the tragedy.
How many stolen guns are there in Florida? Governor DeSantis doesn’t know either
It is “ghost data” that wanders between the right to privacy and the right to bear arms. In any case, lack of data leads to inaction and, as a result, stolen guns end up in the hands of criminals.